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(+31) 6 48 36 00 18

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Frequently Asked Questions

Between the ages of 4 and 6 is perfect to discover music together in a playful manner: like a game! For these children I give the class: « Music for Young Children ». I can also teach younger children but a parent will need to be present.

After the age of 6, children are able to concentrate and practice on their own. At this age in the school they are learning the first steps of reading and rules of language so it is the perfect age to start learning the language of music! I recommend individual guitar lessons from this age on.

Of course, there is no age limit for my guitar lessons. Many people begin playing music when they have more time to spend on things that they have always dreamed of. Everybody is welcome!

I teach guitar lessons in Bos en Lommer, Doggersbankstraat. 

For the first trial lesson I have a guitar which you can use.

I don’t rent out guitars. If you decide to take lessons you can find guitars for a reasonable price.

Guitar lesson: incl BTW

  • 1 hour 50 euros
  • 45 minutes : 35 euros
  • 30 minutes 25 euros